URGENT : Appel à candidature, Jerusalem 9-13 Mars 2025, Historical Formations of Spatial Knowledge – 7th IIAS Advanced School in the Humanities

Cher.e.s collègues ,
Pourriez-vous diffuser autour de vous , via les écoles doctorales et dans vos réseaux , cet appel à candidature ? [ https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/7th-advanced-school-humanities-0 | https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/7th-advanced-school-humanities-0 ] [ https://iias.huji.ac.il/7th-advanced-school-humanities-2024 | https://iias.huji.ac.il/7th-advanced-school-humanities-2024 ]
C’est assez urgent car la date limite pour candidater est fixée au 30 décembre .
Bien sûr, les circonstances actuelles ont retardé la finalisation de ce programme.
Vincent LEMIRE • Professeur à l’Université Paris-Est / Gustave-Eiffel : [ http://acp.univ-pem.fr/equipe/vincent-lemire/ | http://acp.u-pem.fr/equipe/vincent-lemire/ ] • Jerusalem Histoire d’une ville-monde : [ https://www.amazon.fr/dp/2081389886/ | https://www.amazon.fr/dp/2081389886/ ] • In the Shadow of the Wall : [ https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=33077 | https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=33077 ] • Projet ERC Open-Jerusalem : [ http://www.openjerusalem.org/ | http://www.openjerusalem.org ] • Tel & what’s app : +33 6 62 63 65 01 • Mail : [ mailto:lemire.vincent@gmail.com | lemire.vincent@gmail.com ] / Twitter : @v_lemire
Appel à candidature / Call for Application IIAS Jerusalem, 9- 13 Mars 2025 Historical Formations of Spatial Knowledge 7th IIAS Advanced School in the Humanities
[ https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/7th-advanced-school-humanities-0 | https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/7th-advanced-school-humanities-0 ] [ https://iias.huji.ac.il/7th-advanced-school-humanities-2024 | https://iias.huji.ac.il/7th-advanced-school-humanities-2024 ]
Intervenants :
* Anthony Grafton , Princeton University * Elton Barker , The Open University, UK * Vincent Lemire , Paris-Est / Gustave Eiffel University * Jessica Maier , Mount Holyoke College * Miri Rubin , Queen Mary University of London * Iris Schroeder , University of Erfurt * Zef Segal , The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel * Zur Shalev , University of Haifa * Daniella Talmon-Heller , Ben Gurion University of the Negev * Moshe Yagur , The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Historical Formations of Spatial Knowledge
Advanced School, March 9-13, 2025
Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem
This 5-day Advanced School for graduate students and recent PhDs will explore the formation and exchange of spatial knowledge in a global context, ca. 1000-1900. Through site visits and critical, interdisciplinary reading of documents and objects, including cosmographies, maps, city plans, travel narratives, and epics, the School aims to investigate the development of geographical concepts as a process conditioned by political, social, and cultural contexts. In studying spatiality as a process, we emphasize change, controversy and transmission between eras and cultures. We focus on knowledge, imaginaries and ideas while, at the same time, proposing to abandon the unity and fixity normally associated with the notion of a ‘worldview’. While the ‘spatial turn’ is no longer in the headlines of research in the humanities, its fruitful ongoing influence promotes a rich and diverse engagement with the topic. Keynote lectures will provide a common starting point. During the School, an international group of leading scholars will organize and lead discussions and hands-on sessions and advise on individual projects. Participants will have an opportunity to introduce their research to the community (likely in a poster session or pre-circulated papers). The School aims to engage emerging scholars with new research in the field and to introduce a wide range of methodological approaches, questions and outcomes, including in digital humanities. We welcome projects rooted in or with connections to the period between 1000 and 1900, and that are open in focus on regions, and cultures. We will make ample use of the rich documentary collections available in Jerusalem (archival, manuscript, rare books, maps and atlases) and examine methodologies during one or two excursions that engage with the architecture, heritage and environment. We welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates.
Main themes:
Spatiality Territoriality and power Movement, travel, description Transmission of geographical knowledge Cosmography as a genre and an idea Maps as texts, maps as objects – Text and image
General Director:
Anthony Grafton , Princeton University
Zur Shalev , University of Haifa Zef Sega l, The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel Moshe Yagur, The Martin Buber Society of Fellows, Hebrew University
Anthony Grafton , Princeton University
Elton Barker , The Open University, UK
Vincent Lemire , Paris-Est / Gustave Eiffel University
Jessica Maier , Mount Holyoke College
Miri Rubin , Queen Mary University of London
Iris Schroeder , University of Erfurt
Zef Segal , The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel
Zur Shalev , University of Haifa
Daniella Talmon-Heller , Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Moshe Yagur , The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
To apply (deadline 30th December) :
[ https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/7th-advanced-school-humanities-0 | https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/7th-advanced-school-humanities-0 ]
[ https://iias.huji.ac.il/7th-advanced-school-humanities-2024 | https://iias.huji.ac.il/7th-advanced-school-humanities-2024 ]