[AAC] Série de webinaires jeunes chercheurs sur le Pacifique
Chères et chers collègues,
Permettez-moi de vous relayer l’appel à communications ci-dessous pour la ‘*Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series*’ organisée par la Pacific History Association <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/> (PHA), série de webinaires destinée aux jeunes chercheurs (que je co-coordonne) qui pourra sans doute intéresser celles et ceux qui travaillent sur l’Océanie.
Ces webinaires auront lieu une fois par semaine en avril 2025 ; la date limite pour soumettre une proposition est le 10 février 2025. L’appel à communications peut par ailleurs être retrouvé en suivant ce lien <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/webinar-series>.
Je profite par ailleurs de cette occasion pour vous signaler la tenue en décembre 2025 de la conférence biannuelle de la PHA <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/pha2025>, qui doit se tenir à l’Université Nationale des Samoa et dont l’appel à communications doit être diffusé courant janvier 2025.
*Call for papers*
For the Pacific History Association’s “Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series”
The Pacific History Association <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/> will be holding its first “Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series” in 2025. Conceived as both a platform for early career researchers whose works relate to the Pacific area and as preparation towards the association’s biennial conference, the event will take place as a series of 4 one-hour sessions held over Zoom, each one welcoming two speakers, on *Thursdays 3-10-17-24 April 2025* from approx. *9 to 10 am NZST* (tbc). Each speaker will have an allocated time of 15-20 minutes for their paper presentation and 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion (total 30 minutes each).
This series does not have a particular theme set, so please feel free to submit a paper proposal to the coordinators on any topic relating to the pasts of the Pacific, its islands and its peoples *by 10 February 2025*. Any paper proposal relating to the 2025 conference theme “Le Solosolo’ū : Resilience in the Face of Adversity <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/pha2025>” are also most welcome.
We welcome proposals from HDR students (Master’s and PhD) and recent PhD graduates in the wider humanities : history, art history, anthropology, ethnography, law, literature, philosophy, political science, international relations, … as well as from contributors from the heritage and museums sectors.
The Zoom link and programme will be circulated before the event. The event will also be open to the public, and those who wish to attend one or more sessions are more than welcome to get in touch with the coordinators to ask for the Zoom link.
*Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series coordinators*
Jonathan Ritchie (*Deakin University*) — jonathan.ritchie@deakin.edu.au
Yacine Benhalima (*Université de la Polynésie Française & Victoria University of Wellington*) — yacine.benhalima@vuw.ac.nz
Edward Pinfield (*King’s College London*) — edward.pinfield@kcl.ac.uk
Permettez-moi de vous relayer l’appel à communications ci-dessous pour la ‘*Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series*’ organisée par la Pacific History Association <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/> (PHA), série de webinaires destinée aux jeunes chercheurs (que je co-coordonne) qui pourra sans doute intéresser celles et ceux qui travaillent sur l’Océanie.
Ces webinaires auront lieu une fois par semaine en avril 2025 ; la date limite pour soumettre une proposition est le 10 février 2025. L’appel à communications peut par ailleurs être retrouvé en suivant ce lien <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/webinar-series>.
Je profite par ailleurs de cette occasion pour vous signaler la tenue en décembre 2025 de la conférence biannuelle de la PHA <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/pha2025>, qui doit se tenir à l’Université Nationale des Samoa et dont l’appel à communications doit être diffusé courant janvier 2025.
*Call for papers*
For the Pacific History Association’s “Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series”
The Pacific History Association <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/> will be holding its first “Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series” in 2025. Conceived as both a platform for early career researchers whose works relate to the Pacific area and as preparation towards the association’s biennial conference, the event will take place as a series of 4 one-hour sessions held over Zoom, each one welcoming two speakers, on *Thursdays 3-10-17-24 April 2025* from approx. *9 to 10 am NZST* (tbc). Each speaker will have an allocated time of 15-20 minutes for their paper presentation and 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion (total 30 minutes each).
This series does not have a particular theme set, so please feel free to submit a paper proposal to the coordinators on any topic relating to the pasts of the Pacific, its islands and its peoples *by 10 February 2025*. Any paper proposal relating to the 2025 conference theme “Le Solosolo’ū : Resilience in the Face of Adversity <www.pacifichistoryassociation.net/pha2025>” are also most welcome.
We welcome proposals from HDR students (Master’s and PhD) and recent PhD graduates in the wider humanities : history, art history, anthropology, ethnography, law, literature, philosophy, political science, international relations, … as well as from contributors from the heritage and museums sectors.
The Zoom link and programme will be circulated before the event. The event will also be open to the public, and those who wish to attend one or more sessions are more than welcome to get in touch with the coordinators to ask for the Zoom link.
*Early Career Researchers’ Month Webinar Series coordinators*
Jonathan Ritchie (*Deakin University*) — jonathan.ritchie@deakin.edu.au
Yacine Benhalima (*Université de la Polynésie Française & Victoria University of Wellington*) — yacine.benhalima@vuw.ac.nz
Edward Pinfield (*King’s College London*) — edward.pinfield@kcl.ac.uk
*Pacific History Association’s contact info*
Adrian Muckle (PHA Secretary/Treasurer) : adrian.muckle@vuw.ac.nz
PHA Website : www.pacifichistoryassociation.net
Demeurant à votre entière disposition, Bien cordialement,
Yacine Benhalima *Doctorant en histoire contemporaine* Université de la Polynésie Française (EASTCO – EA 4241) Victoria University of Wellington (History Programme) CV Hal : cv.hal.science/yacine-benhalima