The History of European Environmental Policy, 1980–2000
A European Leap? The History of European Community / European Union (EC/EU) Environmental Policy, 1980–2000
Munich, 12-13 décembre 2024
Organisation: Kiran Patel (LMU Munich) & Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne Université)
Thursday 12 December 2024 14.00-14.30 Introduction Kiran Klaus Patel (LMU Munich)/Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne,Paris)
14.30-16.30 Panel 1 Chair: Dieter Schlenker (EUI, Florence) Jan-Henrik Meyer (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt): Avoiding American Mistakes: The Long March to European Community Impact Assessment (1973–1985) Discussant: N. Piers Ludlow (LSE, London)
Alexandre Lauverjat (Sorbonne, Paris): One Atmosphere, Yet Twelve Energy Policies: The Community’s Struggle against Pollution from Power Stations (1983–1988) Discussant: Jan van der Harst (RUG, Groningen)
16.30-16.45 Coffee Break 16.45-18.45 Panel 2 Chair: Charles Barthel (Archives Nationales de Luxembourg) Fabienne Jouty (Sorbonne, Paris): The European Commission Against the Greenhouse Effect: Study on the Development of the First Community Climate Strategy, 1989–1992 Discussant: Sylvain Schirmann (Université de Strasbourg)
Laura Fasanaro (Università Roma Tre): The Making of the European Environmental Agency Discussant: Elena Calandri (Universitá degli Studi di Padova)
Friday, 13 December 2024 08.45-10.45 Panel 3 Chair: Stephen Milder (LMU Munich) Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne, Paris): Market-Based Instruments in the European Economic Community: from planning to neoliberalism? Discussant: Lisbeth Matzer (LMU Munich)
Grace Ballor (Bocconi University, Milan): Market Power: The EU ETS and Global Climate Economics Discussant: Thomas Süsler-Rohringer (LMU Munich)
10.45-11.00 Coffee Break 11.00-13.00 Panel 4 Chair: Vincent Dujardin (UC Louvain) Sabine Pitteloud (UniDistance Suisse): Organized Business, Varieties of Capitalism and the Challenging Road to European Environmental Norms in the 1970s Discussant: Alice Cunha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Frieda Ottmann (LMU Munich): Navigating Europe’s Waters: The Struggle of Greenpeace and the TiO2 Industry to Chart Strategic Courses for Shaping Water Policy Discussant: Nicolae Păun (Universitatea Bogdan Vodă, Cluj-Napoca)
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break 14.00-15.00 Panel 5 Chair: Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne, Paris) Emiel Geurts (LMU Munich): European Industrial Livestock Farming: Domestic and Global Environmental Impacts, 1970s–1990s Discussant: Eva Oberloskamp (IfZ Munich/LMU Munich)
15.00-15.30 Conclusion Kiran Klaus Patel/Laurent Warlouzet
Lieu: IBZ München, Amalienstraße 38, 80799 Munich
Colloque organisé par le programme ANR-DFG ELEMENT, avec le soutien de Project House Europe (LMU) et de la chaire Jean Monnet GreenEUHist co-financée par l’Union européenne
Munich, 12-13 décembre 2024
Organisation: Kiran Patel (LMU Munich) & Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne Université)
Thursday 12 December 2024 14.00-14.30 Introduction Kiran Klaus Patel (LMU Munich)/Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne,Paris)
14.30-16.30 Panel 1 Chair: Dieter Schlenker (EUI, Florence) Jan-Henrik Meyer (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt): Avoiding American Mistakes: The Long March to European Community Impact Assessment (1973–1985) Discussant: N. Piers Ludlow (LSE, London)
Alexandre Lauverjat (Sorbonne, Paris): One Atmosphere, Yet Twelve Energy Policies: The Community’s Struggle against Pollution from Power Stations (1983–1988) Discussant: Jan van der Harst (RUG, Groningen)
16.30-16.45 Coffee Break 16.45-18.45 Panel 2 Chair: Charles Barthel (Archives Nationales de Luxembourg) Fabienne Jouty (Sorbonne, Paris): The European Commission Against the Greenhouse Effect: Study on the Development of the First Community Climate Strategy, 1989–1992 Discussant: Sylvain Schirmann (Université de Strasbourg)
Laura Fasanaro (Università Roma Tre): The Making of the European Environmental Agency Discussant: Elena Calandri (Universitá degli Studi di Padova)
Friday, 13 December 2024 08.45-10.45 Panel 3 Chair: Stephen Milder (LMU Munich) Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne, Paris): Market-Based Instruments in the European Economic Community: from planning to neoliberalism? Discussant: Lisbeth Matzer (LMU Munich)
Grace Ballor (Bocconi University, Milan): Market Power: The EU ETS and Global Climate Economics Discussant: Thomas Süsler-Rohringer (LMU Munich)
10.45-11.00 Coffee Break 11.00-13.00 Panel 4 Chair: Vincent Dujardin (UC Louvain) Sabine Pitteloud (UniDistance Suisse): Organized Business, Varieties of Capitalism and the Challenging Road to European Environmental Norms in the 1970s Discussant: Alice Cunha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Frieda Ottmann (LMU Munich): Navigating Europe’s Waters: The Struggle of Greenpeace and the TiO2 Industry to Chart Strategic Courses for Shaping Water Policy Discussant: Nicolae Păun (Universitatea Bogdan Vodă, Cluj-Napoca)
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break 14.00-15.00 Panel 5 Chair: Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne, Paris) Emiel Geurts (LMU Munich): European Industrial Livestock Farming: Domestic and Global Environmental Impacts, 1970s–1990s Discussant: Eva Oberloskamp (IfZ Munich/LMU Munich)
15.00-15.30 Conclusion Kiran Klaus Patel/Laurent Warlouzet
Lieu: IBZ München, Amalienstraße 38, 80799 Munich
Colloque organisé par le programme ANR-DFG ELEMENT, avec le soutien de Project House Europe (LMU) et de la chaire Jean Monnet GreenEUHist co-financée par l’Union européenne