Seminaire « Knowing the Psyche in North Africa and the Middle East » (2024-2025)
Cher.e.s collègues,
vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme du séminaire de recherche en ligne « Knowing the Psyche in North Africa and the Middle East (20th-21st centuries) pour l’année 2024-2025. Il se tient le dernier mercredi du mois, à 18h (heure du Caire)/*17h (heure de Paris)*. Vous y êtes bienvenues.
Nous débuterons la semaine prochaine avec l’intervention d’Omnia El Shakry sur la traduction de Freud en Égypte postcoloniale.
Bien cordialement,
— Mélanie Henry
Chercheuse MEAE-CNRS au CEDEJ <> (Centre d’Études et de Documentation Économiques, Juridiques, et Sociales), Le Caire
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Research Seminar Knowing the Psyche in the Middle East and North Africa (20th and 21st century)History, Social Science, Testimonies
This seminar reflects on new scholarship about the psyche as object of knowledge and care in the Middle East and North Africa. It aims to highlight a polycentric approach to the history of psychiatry, psychology, and psychoanalysis. Thus, by focusing on the 20thand 21st centuries, it looks at these dynamics in post-independence states in their historical depth. It also fosters a conversation between studies of what is usually known as medicine, religion and popular knowledge.
Sessions with social science researchers and mental health professionals will explore such subject matters as knowledge production, actors’ trajectories, health policies, practices of care, and representations – all elements of a regional history of norms that relate to interiority and mental health.
Seminars take place on the last Wednesday of each month starting in April 2024, between 6 and 7:30pm (Cairo time). The working languages will be English and French.
Mélanie Henry (CEDEJ-MEAE/CNRS) <>
vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme du séminaire de recherche en ligne « Knowing the Psyche in North Africa and the Middle East (20th-21st centuries) pour l’année 2024-2025. Il se tient le dernier mercredi du mois, à 18h (heure du Caire)/*17h (heure de Paris)*. Vous y êtes bienvenues.
Nous débuterons la semaine prochaine avec l’intervention d’Omnia El Shakry sur la traduction de Freud en Égypte postcoloniale.
Bien cordialement,
— Mélanie Henry
Chercheuse MEAE-CNRS au CEDEJ <> (Centre d’Études et de Documentation Économiques, Juridiques, et Sociales), Le Caire
Page personnelle <> – Academia <>
*Register now to attend online:* <> Register now <>
Research Seminar Knowing the Psyche in the Middle East and North Africa (20th and 21st century)History, Social Science, Testimonies
This seminar reflects on new scholarship about the psyche as object of knowledge and care in the Middle East and North Africa. It aims to highlight a polycentric approach to the history of psychiatry, psychology, and psychoanalysis. Thus, by focusing on the 20thand 21st centuries, it looks at these dynamics in post-independence states in their historical depth. It also fosters a conversation between studies of what is usually known as medicine, religion and popular knowledge.
Sessions with social science researchers and mental health professionals will explore such subject matters as knowledge production, actors’ trajectories, health policies, practices of care, and representations – all elements of a regional history of norms that relate to interiority and mental health.
Seminars take place on the last Wednesday of each month starting in April 2024, between 6 and 7:30pm (Cairo time). The working languages will be English and French.
Mélanie Henry (CEDEJ-MEAE/CNRS) <>