Call for papers: Archives of resilience: locating and interpreting post-Ottoman minority sources
Call for Papers: Archives of resilience: locating and interpreting post-Ottoman minority sources
Archives of resilience, aims to be a special issue at once interdisciplinary and interprofessional, rallying both archivists and historians to reflect on the archival challenges pertaining to the study of populations that did not quite fit the homogenizing project of the post-Ottoman nation-state. To the extent that the nation-state became the dominant political unit worldwide, the questions raised in this special issue, and the challenges, that the latter identifies, are globally relevant.
The questions that will be addressed in this special issue include, among other potential themes:
– Accessibility and archival policy of private and public archives
– Strategies against the challenge of post-dispersal policies and politics
– Reading strategies – ethnographic vs extractive – in apprehending the lives of minorities in written records: against or along the archival grain
– The congruence and incongruence between the written records and oral testimonies emanating from minorities and minority institutions
– Apprehending minorities in third-party repositories (League of Nations, Red Cross, Red Crescent, Permanent Mandates Commission, etc.), namely outside of the dual relationship between states and minorities
– Linguistic challenges in the exploitation of minority-related archives
– Digitization of minority-related archives as a way of centralization and preservation of memory
– Ritualized and recurrent artistic manifestations as alternative archives for the study of post-Ottoman minorities
*Abstracts (500-1000 words) and a short bio (200 words) should be emailed to the guest editors Angelos Dalachanis ( <>) and Alexis Rappas ( <>) by January 31, 2024. The editors will notify the authors whether their abstract is accepted or rejected by February 15, 2024. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will have to submit their anonymized manuscript for peer review by June 30, 2024.*
Archives of resilience, aims to be a special issue at once interdisciplinary and interprofessional, rallying both archivists and historians to reflect on the archival challenges pertaining to the study of populations that did not quite fit the homogenizing project of the post-Ottoman nation-state. To the extent that the nation-state became the dominant political unit worldwide, the questions raised in this special issue, and the challenges, that the latter identifies, are globally relevant.
The questions that will be addressed in this special issue include, among other potential themes:
– Accessibility and archival policy of private and public archives
– Strategies against the challenge of post-dispersal policies and politics
– Reading strategies – ethnographic vs extractive – in apprehending the lives of minorities in written records: against or along the archival grain
– The congruence and incongruence between the written records and oral testimonies emanating from minorities and minority institutions
– Apprehending minorities in third-party repositories (League of Nations, Red Cross, Red Crescent, Permanent Mandates Commission, etc.), namely outside of the dual relationship between states and minorities
– Linguistic challenges in the exploitation of minority-related archives
– Digitization of minority-related archives as a way of centralization and preservation of memory
– Ritualized and recurrent artistic manifestations as alternative archives for the study of post-Ottoman minorities
*Abstracts (500-1000 words) and a short bio (200 words) should be emailed to the guest editors Angelos Dalachanis ( <>) and Alexis Rappas ( <>) by January 31, 2024. The editors will notify the authors whether their abstract is accepted or rejected by February 15, 2024. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will have to submit their anonymized manuscript for peer review by June 30, 2024.*
— — Angelos Dalachanis Chargé de recherche au CNRS Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (UMR 8066) 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, France
Codirecteur de la revue *Diasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire <>* Fellow d’Institut Convergences Migrations