Séminaire In Search of Britain 2023-2024 UPJV/CORPUS

Chères et chers collègues,
Le programme de l’année 2023-2024 du séminaire In Search of Britain est en ligne à l’adresse suivante: searchofbritain.wordpress.com/
Y figurent également les liens d’inscription pour y assister par Zoom.
Bien cordialement,
Mélanie Torrent et Marie Ruiz
Mélanie Torrent Professeure des universités Université Picardie Jules Verne UFR Langues et cultures étrangères / UR UPJV CORPUS 4295 Pôle La Citadelle 10 rue des Français libres 80 000 Amiens FRANCE melanie.torrent@u-picardie.fr <mailto:melanie.torrent@u-picardie.fr>
27 September 2023: Ruth Panofsky (Toronto Metropolitan University, visiting professor): Recovery work: Locating women in mainstream publishers’ archives Chair: Camille Desenclos (UPJV) 25 October 2023: Sarah Dunstan (University of Glasgow, visiting professor): ‘We are all revolutionaries now’: The panacea of science in post-war Britain’s politics Chair: Amal El Founti (UPJV)
15 November 2023: Fabrice Mourlon (Université Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle): Alternative politics during the conflict in Northern Ireland: The Anarchist Movement in Belfast Chair: Sylviane Berger (UPJV)
17 January 2024: Marc Lenormand (Université Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry) : “Nothing short of the remaking of socialism as a way of living”: The organisational politics of the first New Left and its periodicals 1956-1962 Chair: Anaïs Nzelomona (UPJV)
31 January 2024: Jim McAloon (Victoria University of Wellington): An immigrant middle class: the English in New Zealand, c. 1900 Chair: Gregory Albisson (université Grenoble Alpes)
21 February 2024: Katelin Parsons (University of Iceland): The Saxon and the Norseman: Writing about Icelandic Migration to Canada Chair: Marie Ruiz (UPJV)
13 March 2024: Sarah Stockwell (Kings College London): Afterlives of empire: Britain and overseas service after empire Chair: Anaïs Makhzoum (UPJV)